Vallee Visiting Professor
- Horace White Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell UniversityWeil Cornell Medical School (host: Fred Maxfield); National University of Singapore (host: Min Wu)
- Principal Investigator, Weizmann Institute of ScienceHarvard Medical School (hosts: Andrew Murray, Marc Kirchner & Aviv Regev)
- Squibb Professor of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Howard Hughes Medical InvestigatorMax Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin (host: Arturo Zychlinsky)
- Director and Scientific Member, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Honorary Professor, Technical University of Munich
- Eberly Professor of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State UniversityEcole Normale Superieure (host: David Bensimon)
- R L Martin Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Federation Fellow, Monash University, MelbourneUniversity of Oxford (host: Allen Hill)
- Professor of Molecular & Cell Biology, Professor of Physics, Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, HHMI Investigator
- Professor Emeritus of Biophysical Chemistry, Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden UniversityUniversity of Oxford (host: Allen Hill)
- Professor of Cancer Biology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Harvard Medical School, Director, The Vallee Foundation, Vice President, The Vallee FoundationUniversity of Oxford (host: Louise Johnson)
- Scientific and Managing Director, Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens, Berlin;, Honorary Professor, Humboldt University, Berlin
- Professor, MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit, University of DundeeHarvard Medical School (hosts: Wade Harper & Nathanael Gray)
- Professor Emeritus, Deptartment of Microbiology and Immunobiology, Harvard Medical SchoolUniversity of Washington (host: Earl Davie)
- Director, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Munich, Honorary Professor, Ludwig Maximilian University, MunichUniversity of Colorado, Boulder (hosts: Roy Parker and Tom Cech)
- Honorary Distinguished Professorial Fellow in the Molecular Genetics of Cancer Division at The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow of The University of MelbourneInstitut Pasteur (host: Moshe Yaniv)
- Emeritus Professor, Pasteur Institute, Honorary Secrétaire Perpétuel of the French Académie des Sciences
- Director, Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry, GöttingenUniversity of Oxford (host: Kim Nasmyth)
- Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, University of WashingtonKarolinska Institutet (Hans Jornvall)
- Dr Lee's Professor of Anatomy Emeritus, University of Oxford, Co-Director of the MDUK Oxford Neuromuscular CentreKoch Institute (host: Richard Hynes)
- Professor of Biochemistry, Director of the Institute of Biochemistry II, Goethe University Medical School, FrankfurtHarvard Medical School (host: Wade Harper)
- John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Chemical and Structural Biology, Master, St John’s College, CambridgeUniversity of Florence (host: Fabrizio Chiti)
- Paul D Boyer Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Los Angeles; HHMI InvestigatorUniversity of Cambridge (host: Sir Alan Ferscht)
- Emeritus Herchel Smith Professor of Organic Chemistry, Former Master of Gonville & Caius College, University of CambridgeHarvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
- Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry, University of WashingtonHarvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
- Donald Kennedy Chair in Humanities and Sciences, Professor in the Departments of Biology and Genetics, Stanford University
- Rebecca Lancefield Professor in Mammalian Cell Biology and Development at The Rockefeller University; HHMI InvestigatorInstitute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona (host: Eduard Batlle)
- Professor Emeritus, Biozentrum, University of BaselKarolinksa Institut (hosts: Lars Terenius & Rudolf Rigler)
- Program Leader, Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge
- Director, The Edison Family Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology, Dr Robert J Glaser Distinguished University Professor, Washington University School of Medicine
- NIH Distinguished Investigator;, Chief, Laboratory of Molecular Biology;, National Cancer Institute
- Emeritus Research Professor in Chemistry, University of OxfordHarvard University, Chemistry (host: Jeremy Knowles)
- Director of the Cardiovascular Program, Karolinska Institutet, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet, Director, The Vallee FoundationHarvard Medical School & the Brigham and Women’s Hospital (host: Charles Serhan)
- Professor, Biozentrum, University of BaselInstitut Pasteur (host Moshe Yaniv)
- Distinguished Service Professor of Biochemistry Emeritus, Duke UniversityHarvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
- B and N Vallee Professor of Molecular Pathology, Chairman, Department of Cell Biology, Co-Director, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Cancer Cell Biology Program, Harvard Medical School, Director, The Vallee FoundationOxford University (host: Louise Johnson)
- Director, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, MartinsriedStanford University (host: Judith Frydman)
- Emeritus Professor, Institute of Biochemistry, ETH ZurichUniversity of California, San Francisco (host: Jonathan Weissman); Yale University Medical School (host: Pietro De Camilli)
- Emeritus Professor, University of Oxford, Honorary Fellow of The Queen’s College and Wadham College, OxfordHarvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
- Senior Scientist, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell UniversityWeil Cornell Medical School (host: Fred Maxfield); National University of Singapore (host: Min Wu)
- Shattuck Professor of Pathological Anatomy,, Professor of Microbiology and Immunobiology, Harvard Medical School, President, The Vallee FoundationUniversity of Oxford (hosts: Alan Storey, Dame Louise Johnson, Allen Hill); Institut Pasteur (host: Moshe Yaniv)
- Director and Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
- Founding Director, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, MIT, David H Koch Professor of Biology, MIT, Daniel K Ludwig Scholar for Cancer Research, MIT, Head, Lustgarten Laboratory for Pancreatic Cancer Research at MIT, President, Break Through CancerWeizmann Institute of Sciences (host: Moshe Oren)
- David Phillips Professor of Molecular Biophysics Emeritus, University of OxfordHarvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
- Professor, Physiological Chemistry, Previous Secretary of the Nobel Committee and Assembly, Karolinska InstitutetHarvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
- Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Professor Emeritus, Systems Biology, Institute for Advanced Study, PrincetonSalk Institute (host: Inder Verma)
- Member, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Professor of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, HHMI Investigator
- Group Leader, Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Janelia Research CampusMarine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole (hosts: Mark Terasaki and Robert Goldman)
- Chairman, ISAR Bioscience Institute, Planegg/Munich, Professor of Pharmacology, University of WürzburgStanford University (host: Brian Kobilka)
- Goldwin Smith Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, Cornell UniversityHarvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
- Distinguished Professor of Plant & Microbial Biology and Molecular & Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Adjunct Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley, External Member, Max Planck Institute-Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam-Golm, Faculty Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Waynflete Professor of Physiology , Director, Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, University of Oxford
- Director, Department of Mechanistic Cell Biology, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Dortmund, Adjunct Professor, University of Duisburg-Essen
- Distinguished Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Senior Faculty Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, HHMI Investigator, Director, The Vallee FoundationCenter for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona (hosts: Thomas Surrey and Luciano di Croce)
- Head of the Group, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular MedicineHarvard Medical School (host: Fred Rosen)
- Roscoe Gilkey Dickinson Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical InstituteUniversity of Oxford (hosts: Allen Hill & Frazer Armstrong)
- Director, The Kavli Institute for NanoScience Discovery, Dr Lee's Professor of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Director, The Vallee FoundationThe Rockefeller University (host: Brian Chait)
- Professor of Genetics, Hans-Hermann Schoene Distinguished Investigator, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital
- Charlotte Y Martin Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, Washington State UniversityHarvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
- Director, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, MartinsriedVVP 2019: Harvard Medical School & University of California, San Francisco (Hosts: Bob Farese, Tobi Walther and Nevan Krogan)
- Director, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, FrankfurtVVP 2022: NYU and The Rockefeller University (Hosts: Eric Klann & Mary Beth Hatten)
- Sapp Family Provostial Professor of Biology and Neurobiology and the David Starr Jordan Director of Bio-X, Stanford UniversityColumbia University (Hosts: Tom Jessell & Carol Mason)
- Director Emeritus, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, CEO, Lipotype GmbHGenentech, San Francisco (host: Ira Mellman); University of California, San Francisco (host: Peter Walter); Harvard Medical School (host: Tom Kirchhausen)
- University of Illinois Swanlund Endowed Chair, Director, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUniversity of Oxford (host: Allen Hill)
- Alan W Harris Personal Chair in Experimental Cancer Biology, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical ResearchGenentech, San Francisco (host: Vishva Dixit)
- Professor Emeritus, Center for Molecular Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Professor of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, The Scripps Research InstituteHarvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
- Professor, Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryMonash University, Melbourne (host: Tony Tiganis)
- Professor of Neuroscience, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Director, The Picower Institute for Learning and MemoryKarolinska Institute: hosts Dr Ulf Eriksson and Dr Sophie Erhardt
- Joseph Levitan Professor of Biology, Brandeis University
- Vice President, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Executive Director, HHMI Janelia Research CampusInstitut Curie (host: Genevieve Almouzni)
- Irwin and Joan Jacobs Chair In Exemplary Life Science &, Professor and Director of the Laboratory of Genetics, The Salk Institute for Biological SciencesLaboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Cambridge (Hosts: K J Patel, Alan Fersht & Venki Ramakrishnan)
- Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, Stockholm UniversityThe Rockefeller University (host: Rod MacKinnon)
- Principal Group Leader, The Francis Crick Institute, London, Director, The Vallee FoundationSandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center, Weill Cornell Medicine (host: Lewis Cantley)
- Distinguished Investigator, Bay Area Institute of Science, Altos Labs, San FranciscoZMBH Heidelberg (host: Bernd Bukau); Max-Planck Institut fur Membranstruktur, Frankfurt (host: Werner Kühlbrandt)
- President Emeritus, Vincent and Brooke Astor Professor Emeritus, The Rockefeller UniversityHarvard Medical School (hosts: Michael Greenberg, David Hubel & Elio Raviola)
- Gene Center Munich, LMU, Director, The Vallee FoundationMassachusetts General Hospital – Molecular Biology (hosts: Brian Seed & Jack Szostak)
- Asa and Patricia Springer Professor of Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology,, Harvard Medical School;, Asa and Patricia Springer Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Boston Children's HospitalUniversity of California San Francisco (host:Yifan Cheng)
- Distinguished Chair Professor, National Yang-Ming University, Distinguished Investigator, National Institute of Cancer Research, Corresponding Research Fellow, the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica.Harvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
- Professor Emeritus, Institut Pasteur, Director of Research Emeritus, CNRSHarvard Medical School (host: Peter Howley)
- David B Arnold Professor of Science &, Director, Center for Advanced Imaging, Harvard University, HHMI, Investigator