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Vallee Visiting Professorships

The Vallee Visiting Professorship (VVP) program pairs outstanding scientists with premier biomedical research institutes worldwide in an informal arrangement that promotes intellectual exchanges and fosters new partnerships. The month-long sabbaticals have proven to be a great success for planning research, conducting experiments, and establishing meaningful relationships—all without significant disruption to family life or other professional commitments.

Many VVP sabbaticals have resulted in international and interdisciplinary collaborations, which have, in turn, generated new scientific research that likely would not have been undertaken without the Foundation’s sponsorship. Furthermore, the Vallee Visiting Professor program has established an enduring global network of scientific enterprises, which in turn creates a common ground for productive interactions among its members and with other individuals and organizations. To date the Vallee Visiting Professors represent eight countries spanning four continents.


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  • Horace White Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University
    Weil Cornell Medical School (host: Fred Maxfield); National University of Singapore (host: Min Wu)
  • Principal Investigator, Weizmann Institute of Science
    Harvard Medical School (hosts: Andrew Murray, Marc Kirchner & Aviv Regev)
  • Squibb Professor of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Howard Hughes Medical Investigator
    Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin (host: Arturo Zychlinsky)
  • Director and Scientific Member, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Honorary Professor, Technical University of Munich
  • Eberly Professor of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University
    Ecole Normale Superieure (host: David Bensimon)
  • R L Martin Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Federation Fellow, Monash University, Melbourne
    University of Oxford (host: Allen Hill)
  • Professor of Molecular & Cell Biology, Professor of Physics, Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, HHMI Investigator
  • Professor Emeritus of Biophysical Chemistry, Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden University
    University of Oxford (host: Allen Hill)
  • Professor of Cancer Biology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Harvard Medical School, Director, The Vallee Foundation, Vice President, The Vallee Foundation
    University of Oxford (host: Louise Johnson)
  • Scientific and Managing Director, Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens, Berlin;, Honorary Professor, Humboldt University, Berlin
  • Professor, MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit, University of Dundee
    Harvard Medical School (hosts: Wade Harper & Nathanael Gray)
  • Professor Emeritus, Deptartment of Microbiology and Immunobiology, Harvard Medical School
    University of Washington (host: Earl Davie)
  • Director, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Munich, Honorary Professor, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
    University of Colorado, Boulder (hosts: Roy Parker and Tom Cech)
  • Honorary Distinguished Professorial Fellow in the Molecular Genetics of Cancer Division at The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow of The University of Melbourne
    Institut Pasteur (host: Moshe Yaniv)
  • Emeritus Professor, Pasteur Institute, Honorary Secrétaire Perpétuel of the French Académie des Sciences
  • Director, Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen
    University of Oxford (host: Kim Nasmyth)
  • Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, University of Washington
    Karolinska Institutet (Hans Jornvall)
  • Dr Lee's Professor of Anatomy Emeritus, University of Oxford, Co-Director of the MDUK Oxford Neuromuscular Centre
    Koch Institute (host: Richard Hynes)
  • Professor of Biochemistry, Director of the Institute of Biochemistry II, Goethe University Medical School, Frankfurt
    Harvard Medical School (host: Wade Harper)
  • John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Chemical and Structural Biology, Master, St John’s College, Cambridge
    University of Florence (host: Fabrizio Chiti)
  • Paul D Boyer Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Los Angeles; HHMI Investigator
    University of Cambridge (host: Sir Alan Ferscht)
  • Emeritus Herchel Smith Professor of Organic Chemistry, Former Master of Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge
    Harvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
  • Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry, University of Washington
    Harvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
  • Donald Kennedy Chair in Humanities and Sciences, Professor in the Departments of Biology and Genetics, Stanford University
  • Rebecca Lancefield Professor in Mammalian Cell Biology and Development at The Rockefeller University; HHMI Investigator
    Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona (host: Eduard Batlle)
  • Professor Emeritus, Biozentrum, University of Basel
    Karolinksa Institut (hosts: Lars Terenius & Rudolf Rigler)
  • Program Leader, Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge
  • Director, The Edison Family Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology, Dr Robert J Glaser Distinguished University Professor, Washington University School of Medicine
  • NIH Distinguished Investigator;, Chief, Laboratory of Molecular Biology;, National Cancer Institute
  • Emeritus Research Professor in Chemistry, University of Oxford
    Harvard University, Chemistry (host: Jeremy Knowles)
  • Director of the Cardiovascular Program, Karolinska Institutet, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet, Director, The Vallee Foundation
    Harvard Medical School & the Brigham and Women’s Hospital (host: Charles Serhan)
  • Professor, Biozentrum, University of Basel
    Institut Pasteur (host Moshe Yaniv)
  • Distinguished Service Professor of Biochemistry Emeritus, Duke University
    Harvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
  • B and N Vallee Professor of Molecular Pathology, Chairman, Department of Cell Biology, Co-Director, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Cancer Cell Biology Program, Harvard Medical School, Director, The Vallee Foundation
    Oxford University (host: Louise Johnson)
  • Director, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried
    Stanford University (host: Judith Frydman)
  • Emeritus Professor, Institute of Biochemistry, ETH Zurich
    University of California, San Francisco (host: Jonathan Weissman); Yale University Medical School (host: Pietro De Camilli)
  • Emeritus Professor, University of Oxford, Honorary Fellow of The Queen’s College and Wadham College, Oxford
    Harvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
  • Senior Scientist, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University
    Weil Cornell Medical School (host: Fred Maxfield); National University of Singapore (host: Min Wu)
  • Shattuck Professor of Pathological Anatomy,, Professor of Microbiology and Immunobiology, Harvard Medical School, President, The Vallee Foundation
    University of Oxford (hosts: Alan Storey, Dame Louise Johnson, Allen Hill); Institut Pasteur (host: Moshe Yaniv)
  • Director and Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
  • Founding Director, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, MIT, David H Koch Professor of Biology, MIT, Daniel K Ludwig Scholar for Cancer Research, MIT, Head, Lustgarten Laboratory for Pancreatic Cancer Research at MIT, President, Break Through Cancer
    Weizmann Institute of Sciences (host: Moshe Oren)
  • David Phillips Professor of Molecular Biophysics Emeritus, University of Oxford
    Harvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
  • Professor, Physiological Chemistry, Previous Secretary of the Nobel Committee and Assembly, Karolinska Institutet
    Harvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
  • Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  • Professor Emeritus, Systems Biology, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
    Salk Institute (host: Inder Verma)
  • Member, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Professor of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, HHMI Investigator
  • Group Leader, Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Janelia Research Campus
    Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole (hosts: Mark Terasaki and Robert Goldman)
  • Chairman, ISAR Bioscience Institute, Planegg/Munich, Professor of Pharmacology, University of Würzburg
    Stanford University (host: Brian Kobilka)
  • Goldwin Smith Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, Cornell University
    Harvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
  • Distinguished Professor of Plant & Microbial Biology and Molecular & Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Adjunct Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley, External Member, Max Planck Institute-Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam-Golm, Faculty Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Waynflete Professor of Physiology , Director, Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, University of Oxford
  • Director, Department of Mechanistic Cell Biology, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Dortmund, Adjunct Professor, University of Duisburg-Essen
  • Distinguished Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Senior Faculty Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, HHMI Investigator, Director, The Vallee Foundation
    Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona (hosts: Thomas Surrey and Luciano di Croce)
  • Head of the Group, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine
    Harvard Medical School (host: Fred Rosen)
  • Roscoe Gilkey Dickinson Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
    University of Oxford (hosts: Allen Hill & Frazer Armstrong)
  • Director, The Kavli Institute for NanoScience Discovery, Dr Lee's Professor of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Director, The Vallee Foundation
    The Rockefeller University (host: Brian Chait)
  • Professor of Genetics, Hans-Hermann Schoene Distinguished Investigator, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Charlotte Y Martin Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, Washington State University
    Harvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
  • Director, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried
    VVP 2019: Harvard Medical School & University of California, San Francisco (Hosts: Bob Farese, Tobi Walther and Nevan Krogan)
  • Director, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt
    VVP 2022: NYU and The Rockefeller University (Hosts: Eric Klann & Mary Beth Hatten)
  • Sapp Family Provostial Professor of Biology and Neurobiology and the David Starr Jordan Director of Bio-X, Stanford University
    Columbia University (Hosts: Tom Jessell & Carol Mason)
  • Director Emeritus, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, CEO, Lipotype GmbH
    Genentech, San Francisco (host: Ira Mellman); University of California, San Francisco (host: Peter Walter); Harvard Medical School (host: Tom Kirchhausen)
  • University of Illinois Swanlund Endowed Chair, Director, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    University of Oxford (host: Allen Hill)
  • Alan W Harris Personal Chair in Experimental Cancer Biology, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
    Genentech, San Francisco (host: Vishva Dixit)
  • Professor Emeritus, Center for Molecular Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Professor of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, The Scripps Research Institute
    Harvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
  • Professor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
    Monash University, Melbourne (host: Tony Tiganis)
  • Professor of Neuroscience, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Director, The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
    Karolinska Institute: hosts Dr Ulf Eriksson and Dr Sophie Erhardt
  • Joseph Levitan Professor of Biology, Brandeis University
  • Vice President, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Executive Director, HHMI Janelia Research Campus
    Institut Curie (host: Genevieve Almouzni)
  • Irwin and Joan Jacobs Chair In Exemplary Life Science &, Professor and Director of the Laboratory of Genetics, The Salk Institute for Biological Sciences
    Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Cambridge (Hosts: K J Patel, Alan Fersht & Venki Ramakrishnan)
  • Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, Stockholm University
    The Rockefeller University (host: Rod MacKinnon)
  • Principal Group Leader, The Francis Crick Institute, London, Director, The Vallee Foundation
    Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center, Weill Cornell Medicine (host: Lewis Cantley)
  • Distinguished Investigator, Bay Area Institute of Science, Altos Labs, San Francisco
    ZMBH Heidelberg (host: Bernd Bukau); Max-Planck Institut fur Membranstruktur, Frankfurt (host: Werner Kühlbrandt)
  • President Emeritus, Vincent and Brooke Astor Professor Emeritus, The Rockefeller University
    Harvard Medical School (hosts: Michael Greenberg, David Hubel & Elio Raviola)
  • Gene Center Munich, LMU, Director, The Vallee Foundation
    Massachusetts General Hospital – Molecular Biology (hosts: Brian Seed & Jack Szostak)
  • Asa and Patricia Springer Professor of Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology,, Harvard Medical School;, Asa and Patricia Springer Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Boston Children's Hospital
    University of California San Francisco (host:Yifan Cheng)
  • Distinguished Chair Professor, National Yang-Ming University, Distinguished Investigator, National Institute of Cancer Research, Corresponding Research Fellow, the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica.
    Harvard Medical School (host: Bert Vallee)
  • Professor Emeritus, Institut Pasteur, Director of Research Emeritus, CNRS
    Harvard Medical School (host: Peter Howley)
  • David B Arnold Professor of Science &, Director, Center for Advanced Imaging, Harvard University, HHMI, Investigator