- Viviana Gradinaru and Xiaowei Zhuang are among this year's Vilcek Prize winners.
- Two distinguished scientists receive the much-coveted Visiting Vallee Professorships (VVPs) for 2020.
- For research that has the potential to find new forms of treatment for currently incurable diseases.
- As of January 1, 2020, the Foundation's legal name has been changed from "The Bert L & N Kuggie Vallee Inc" to "The Vallee Foundation Inc."
- Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz spent her VVP sabbatical at the MBL in Woods Hole investigating the endoplasmic reticulum.
- Prof Kyoko Nozaki, a highly regarded organic chemist from the University of Tokyo, at the University of Oxford.
- Samantha Morris (VS 2017) will receive $1.5 million to map a "blueprint" of cell identity.
- Susan Shao (VS 2018) will receive $850,000 towards her research on the molecular mechanisms of protein biosynthesis.
- Kay Davies explored new collaborations in Cambridge, MA.
- Elena Conti spent her VVP sabbatical at the University of Colorado, Boulder, hosted by Roy Parker and Tom Cech.
- Vallee Visiting Professors win 2019 Breakthrough Prize, Horwitz Prize, Royal Medals, and Aminoff Prize.
- Professor Sir Christopher Dobson, master of St John’s College, Cambridge, died of cancer at the age of 69.
- Five exceptional young scientists ~ Joseph Bondy-Denomy (UCSF), Lisa Giocomo (Stanford), Johannes Gräff (EPFL), Kai Papenfort (Jena) and Jared…
- Read about this year's Vallee Scholar Meeting and Bert Vallee's Centennial Celebrations.
- VVPs Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz and Ivan Dikic recognized for their outstanding achievements in the biological sciences.