Xiaowei Zhuang wins 2023 Dreyfus Prize in the Chemical Sciences
The 2023 Dreyfus Prize goes to VVP Xiaowei Zhuang, David B Arnold Jr Professor of Science at Harvard University and an HHMI Investigator. This year the Dreyfus Prize is awarded in Imaging in the Chemical Sciences.
Dr Zhuang, who works in the areas of single-molecule biology and bioimaging, is being recognized for her pioneering work in super-resolution imaging and genome-scale imaging methods that have provided transformative insights into biological molecules and systems. She is recognized for her pioneering work to develop groundbreaking super-resolution imaging and genome-scale imaging methods and utilizing those methods to gain important new insights about biological molecules and systems. These methods and insights have had a widespread impact in the fields of chemistry, biology, neuroscience, and medicine.
The Dreyfus Prize is an international biennial Prize of $250,000 and is the highest honor awarded by the Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation.