Boston, MA
2010 Boston, MA
Bert Vallee had planned that the 2010 meeting would take place in Iceland, but the location was quickly moved to Boston when it became clear that Dr Vallee’s health was deteriorating. In the end, he died just three months beforehand. He would have enjoyed the stimulating papers and lively discussion that revolved around the themes of the symposium:
Protein Structure and Function
- Alan Fersht (University of Cambridge)
- Stephen Benkovic (The Pennsylvania State University): The importance of the intrinsic dynamic properties of enzymes
- Christopher Dobson (University of Cambridge): The genetic nature of protein misfolding
- John Collier (Harvard Medical School), Structure and function of the anthrax toxin pore
Molecular Medicine
- Lewis Cantley (Harvard Medical School): Cancer cell metabolism
- Peter Howley (Harvard Medical School): From warts to cancer to a neurodevelopmental disorder: A story of degradation
- Cheng-Wen Wu (National Yang-Ming University): Translational research of lung cancer in Taiwan.
Remembering Bert L Vallee
- James Adelstein (Harvard Medical School)
Preparing for the Next Generation of Scientists
- Michael Gottesman (National Institutes of Health): Training the next generation of biomedical researchers: The NIH intramural perspective
- Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker (Human Frontier Science Program Organization): The continuing challenges facing young scientists
- Torsten Wiesel (Rockefeller University): Convergence of the natural sciences: consequences for education and research
- Vicki Sato (Harvard Business School): Invigorating R and D in biotech and pharma: scientific leaders needed.