Dedham, MA
2006 Dedham, MA
The 2006 meeting was held at Endicott House in Dedham:
- Bert L Vallee (Harvard Medical School): Thionein/Metallothionein: A metabolic link
- Herbert Weissbach (Florida Atlantic University): Thionein: A novel oxido-reductant.
- Hans Jörnvall (Karolinska Institutet): How to get the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine or Nobel and His Awards.
- Gerard Canters (Leiden University): Cross-talk and single enzymes
- Clarence Ryan (Washington State University): Peptide signals for the innate immune response in plants
- Earl Davie (University of Washington): The vitamin K-dependent blood coagulation factors
- Stephen Sligar (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): Self-assembled nanometer scale lipid bilayers for drug discovery and therapeutic delivery
- Allen Hill (University of Oxford): ‘Visualizing’ biological molecules
- Gordon Hammes (Duke University Medical Center): Single molecule studies of the T4 bacteriophage DNA replication system
- Edmond Fischer (University of Washington): Protein cross-talk in cell signaling
- Lewis Cantley (Harvard Medical School): A signaling network for regulation of cell growth
- Suzanne Cory (Melbourne University): The Bcl2 life/death switch in cancer development and therapy
- Louise Johnson (University of Oxford): Structural studies on cell regulatory proteins
- Wade Harper (Harvard Medical School): Gene and pathway discovery in the ubiquitin-proteasome system
- Peter Howley (Harvard Medical School): Multiple functions of the papillomavirus E2 regulatory protein are mediated by the Bromodomain BRd4 protein