Susan Lindquist Elected Foreign Member of the UK's Royal Society
Vallee Visiting Professor Susan Lindquist (MIT, Whitehead Institute, HHMI), who has transformed our understanding of how protein folding shapes biological systems and made ground-breaking contributions in genetics, cell biology and biochemistry, has been elected a Foreign Member of the UK’s Royal Society, the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence. Foreign Members are elected for life through a peer review process on the basis of excellence in science.
Sir Paul Nurse, President of the Royal Society, said: “Science and its application are at the core of so many aspects of our modern lives. From treating infectious diseases, to building safe bridges and tunnels, searching out life on other planets and even vacuuming our living rooms, science helps us understand ourselves better and it makes life better. Without scientific knowledge, we might not be able to solve some of the greatest challenges of our time: food shortages, climate change and tackling diseases. The scientists elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society this year are leaders in their fields and have contributed much to the scientific endeavour. We are delighted to welcome them alongside the likes of great British scientist such as Newton, Boyle and Darwin.”
Other Members of the Royal Society, whether foreign of home grown, in the Vallee Foundation community include:
- Bonnie Bassler (Princeton University)
- Christopher Dobson (University of Cambridge)
- Alan R Fersht (University of Cambridge)
- Edmond H Fischer (University of Washington)
- Malcolm Green (University of Oxford)
- Allen Hill (University of Oxford)
- Dame Louise Johnson (1940-2012) (University of Oxford)
- Philip A Sharp (Massachu8setts Institute of Technology)
- Nicholas Tonks (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
- Karen Vousden (Beatson Institute of Cancer Research)
- Torsten Wiesel (The Rockefeller University)