Bert & Kuggie - A Photo Gallery
Bert and Kuggie Vallee lived a long and happy life together. They met in the early 1940s and were together until Bert died in 2010. Kuggie died in 2011. They shared a love of science, good food and wine, the great outdoors, and getting together with their friends. In his photograph album "devoted to pictrures form a very happy period of my life: from the 4th year of medical school (1942) through internship at Mount Sinusitis [sic] and to Boston," Bert wrote, "It was during that time that I formed two wonderful friendships with Fred and Jerry - and I met Kuggie! Well, needless to say anything more or less about that."
"Kuggie came up to Sturbridge, Mass, and we had a swell time, though the camp [Camp Robinson Crusoe, 1944] was miserable." "There were plenty of horseback riding, (all day rides, too, with resulting assitis) but otherwise I forgot all about medicine for a week." "We went back in 1945 but only liked each other - not the ranch!"